Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ranger is safe!

Thanks to everyone that helped out on the search and rescue effort to bring Ranger back to safety. I appreciate all of the help that many volunteers gave throughout the last few days and nights, as well as all of the residents of both Arlington Ridge and Del Ray. You live in fantastic and friendly communities. Thanks!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ranger's been seen for the last 5 hours near Russel Road and the Day school

Ranger has been very active today. He was spotted several time near his adopter's home in the morning hours and tonight, he's been spending his time in a quieter part of town. He's been spotted in the area around Russell Road and Windsor. This is the same area where his adopter walked him on his first day home. It's a very quiet part of town and he's looking great! He still has his collar on and is running at a good pace. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was a greyhound! A volunteer was able to follow him for several streets in her car. Several volunteers came out tonight to help flyer. It's been helpful because they are focusing on the area now where he's been seen tonight. We just need more help in getting the word out in this new area.

Ranger has been spotted back in Del Ray!

Ranger just walked down the street and spent time this morning around the adopter's home on the 400 block of E. Windsor. A neighbor spotted him coming out of the backyard and followed him but lost sight of him. He's still doing well but has hidden himself again. Any help that we can get tonight in the area will be greatly appreciated.

sightings or false alarms? donations needed to help with the search

Last night, at 10 pm, I received two calls from different individuals. Both callers placed a dog within blocks of the adopter's home. They both thought that it was a retriever like dog that they were seeing. One placed the dog on the Monroe St. Bridge and the other at the corner of Dewitt and Windsor. If these sightings were Ranger, this poor guy is crossing many very busy streets and it is only a matter of time before he is hit. Please, please, please, keep your eyes out for him and help with getting the word out.

In addition, in order to obtain a tracker (dog and handler that can track the movements of a dog through scent based on the place that he was last seen), we REALLY need some donations. It can cost upwards of $500 to figure out the pattern of a missing dog and as of today, we have no donations. Please help by donating a tax-deductible donation to Homeward Trails. Place the name 'ranger' in the subject field. Also, if you could email me with the donation amount, I will be better able to keep track of donations. Maritae @ rocketmail.com (remove spaces around @ sign).

Please help bring Ranger home. He's scared and lost and now there is a storm outside. We don't know if he's scared of thunder but if he is that is going to add to his confusion and fear.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SIGHTING: 04/05/09, Grant Street area

Ranger was seen around 8:00 this morning in the same area where's been the past two days. We're hoping he sticks around there and is quickly brought to safety. We still need help reach out to the area communities by flyering, going door to door, and contacting area businesses. Please let us know if you can help!

No sightings as of 2 pm, Sunday

Although I spoke to several people in the Fort Scott area, there have been no sightings or hound barks heard in the neighborhood. He was seen several times on Friday and Saturday but nothing today. One of the feed stations setup on Saturday night was eaten and I think that it was Ranger that ate the food. It was at a house on Grant where he'd been seen on both Friday and Saturday evening. I did leave out food this morning again. I'll check the area later today to see if the food is gone. Heading out again at 3 pm for more flyering and canvasing the area but I would love some additional help.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ranger is currently living in the woods behind Grant St

We set up a feeding station on Grant st. He has been seen there several times throughout the day. Early this morning and as late as 10 pm tonight. If anyone is available to flyer tomorrow, Sunday, that would be greatly appreciated.